Thursday, March 19, 2009

Had Enough FRAUD America?

Cut the crap Mr. President, Mr. Geithner and Congress. You are lying and this entire "bonus" game is a smokescreen to try to divert attention from the real theft - nearly $100 billion dollars of taxpayer money that has gone to Goldman and other banks, including foreign banks, to pay off Credit Default Swaps written by AIG that were worthless as the company had no capital behind them. This in turn means that the accounting of these firms has in fact fraudulently overstated earnings - perhaps for years - and still is!

The Fed, OTS and OCC have and had jurisdiction over American banks that bought these products, and were clearly derelict in their duty to prevent these regulated entities from purchasing these CDS from a firm that was unable to prove capital adequacy to cover its bets.

Finally, TurboTimmy, it is not acceptable for you to simply "deduct" the amount of the bonuses from AIG's "aid package". Uh uh. This entire bonus question is a smokescreen for the massive conflicts of interest where an investment bank buys billions of dollars of "credit protection" from a company, then the CEO goes to work for Treasury and makes sure those contracts are good by siphoning off money from the taxpayer to cover them when the seller turns out to be insolvent.

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